Saturday, June 26, 2010

What and how should i buy computer

Hello friends, Do you use computer? Of course I’m so idiot!! Yes, you do. But do you know all about your computer? I don’t think no!! Here I’m going to tell you what you need to make a complete PC set of yours.Here we go…..

Total need is that you required keeping or including in computer set. They are:-
  1. Monitor 
  2. CPU
  3. Keyboard 
  4. Mouse
  5. Mouse pad (optional)
  6. UPSPrinter(optional)
I won’t suggest you unnecessary things and make mess in your room. If you go for laptop like me than it’s also a great idea!


Now in market there is variety of brands available. You must be aware of duplicate mechanical things. So be safe to buy the best. I’m here to make you buy the real and best stuff!!! Okay!! You must go to a good dealer in your town. You need to remember certain things before buying:-
  1. Have a survey before buying a PC or laptop for you.
  2. Go for best price or ask for discounts if possible.
  3. Don’t go alone; take an expert (having computer peripherals knowledge) with you so that they won’t chit you.
                          You must buy the brand, so that you can get a replacement or get repaired later if any problem occurs in future. Man!! Humans don’t have warranty. How can a machine have...LOL!! Okay jokes apart…… if you are going for full branded set than go for LENOVO, LG or DELL. This is best brands in desktop and laptop world. Or you are going to assemble than, what should you buy:-
  1. Monitor- LG flat 17” or 19” will be best. 
  2. CPU-Its main part of a computer so, Compaq Presario with any OS  
  3. Keyboard and mouse- you can buy wireless or code according to you choice. I-Ball is best. 
  4. UPS-APC backup UPS is best. 
  5. Printer-HP or Canon Laser printer.
                                    Buy product ranges between 30 to 32 thousand. It’s enough! Now you can know what to buy. Its time what should be there:-
  1. OS-windows xp (I prefer), 7, vista etc. 
  2. Antivirus-Go for kaspersky(approx. 600/-) or Quick heal(approx. 1000/-) 
  3. Clean up software or cclear software .This to download to remove unnecessary folders which slows the Run in PC.
  4. Media player-VLC media player, GOM, Nero, cyberLink PowerDVD, Real player. 
  5. Paint software- Adobe Photoshop is beat and Picasa. 
  6. Adobe software’s or internet use- flash player, shock wave Player ,AIR, Acrobat reader(PDF)
  7. Chat downloads- yahoo messenger, gtalk, skyp as you prefer. 
  8. Other software you can download according to you need. 
                                     I suggested the best of the best and less that you computer get messy.

You can install Bluetooth if not there. Sound cards, graphic cards, routers.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Convert YouTube to MP3

Convert YouTube to MP3

You always enjoy watching Videos in Youtube but you do not know how to convert it to mp3.
Yes, I will help you to convert Youtube video to mp3.Follow the process below:

Download youtube Video Converter There is no spyware or adware. It's safe to install and to run FreeYoutubeToMP3Converter.exe file.
Click Start> All Programs > DVDVideoSoft >Programs >Free YouTube to MP3 Converter or just click the DVDVideoSoft Free Studio icon on the desktop.It is simple and self explaining.
Use your Internet browser to select and copy YouTube link you want to download .Click the Paste button and wait a few seconds while the program is detecting YouTube video.
It's easy to download the whole playlist, for instance, this Romantic music playlist.Just follow Step 3: copy YouTube playlist link and paste it to the program.The program will detect videos at this link. In the input field you'll see the total amount of detected clips. Click the Videos... button to mark which of audio tracks you want to download from these videos. Click OK.In the same way you can download audio tracks from channels, users' favourites or video responses from YouTube.
 Click the Browse... button and choose the location where you would like to save your downloaded audio files. Click Ok.
Click the Tags... button to set tags for output MP3 files.
Select Output Format Preset.
There are some options you can set as you like.Tick the "Auto-paste URLs from the Clipboard" parameter and all YouTube links from the Clipboard will be detected and added to the program automatically.In the Options window you can set "Turn off computer, if the process was finished successfully".
 Extract Audio by clicking the Download button and wait a little.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Convert video to mp3

Convert video to mp3

Hey! friends,You must be tied of finding free mp3 converter software on net or somewhere else?
You don't have to loose your patience now because I gonna help you.All this you have to do.


Download Free Video to MP3 Converter which is a free program. There is no spyware or adware. It's safe to install and to run!



click Start>All Programs>DVDVideoSoft>Programs>Free Video to MP3 Converter or just click the DVDVideoSoft Free Studio icon on the desktop.Its simple and self explaining.Do according to the instruction given.


select input video by clicking the upper button 'browse' from the computer.



Click the bottom Browse... button. Choose the location where you would like to save a new MP3 audio files. Click Ok.


Click the Tags... button to set tags for the output MP3 files.By default the program will automatically fill the title tag and the artwork, taking a snapshot from the middle of video which can be seen in iTunes, Winamp, Windows Explorer.Click OK to switch back to the main program window.



select one of the available pre-configured MP3 preset list;

  • High Quality (MP3, 256kbps, 48000Hz, STEREO)
  • Optimal Quality (MP3, 192kbps, 48000Hz, STEREO)
  • Standard Quality (MP3, 128kbps, 44100Hz, STEREO)
  • Economy Quality (MP3, 96kbps, 22050Hz, STEREO).
  • Lossless Audio (WAV, 44100 Hz, STEREO).



    Click the Convert button along the bottom of the interface to convert video to mp3 and wait just a few seconds.

    Best of luck